The Tropical House Nunu

Location : Hoàn Lão town, Bố Trạch, Quảng Bình provine, Vietnam
Services : Architecture design
Functionality : Private house
Client : Private
Floor Area : 110
Land Area : 175
Year : 2021


Nunu House Thiet Ke Kien Truc Nha Nhiet Doi Hien Dai 03

Located in a small sunny and windy central town, Nunu House is a great resort space.
Thanks to this house, the owner seems to be completely isolated from the Lao wind and blends in the fresh green space.

Architectural design solution to protect against the West sun and Laos wind

The house is designed for a small family with the desire to create a close living space. At the same time, it must be suitable for the local nature and harsh climate.

Here, although the climate has 4 seasons, there are mainly 2 main seasons.
The climate is hot and dry in the summer with the southwest wind (Laos wind), and the winter is very cold due to the northeast monsoon.
To solve this problem, the architect cleverly used buffer spaces.
Specifically, there are floor vents, auxiliary roofs, 2-layer corridors… to balance the heat of the house.
Floor vents are designed to be large enough for air convection but still can prevent cold wind from entering.

The west-facing facade is treated with a long Balcony and collapsible blue panels.
This makes it easier for the wind to circulate to cool the house.
The architecture is not too sophisticated but makes the house special when viewed from the outside.

The front and back yards are also designed with green spaces to reduce the impact of temperature significantly.

Shared space – distinctly separate but still connected

The floor plan of the house is designed in the following way: Front house – Rear house.
With front dynamic block and rear static block. The two blocks are connected by a garden.

The first floor includes a living room and kitchen. The second floor is a living and worship space.
The spaces are designed to be open and interconnected. Thus, creating a connection between dynamic-static spaces, inside – outside, house – garden, and family members together.

Although the area is limited, the design of Nunu House has created a connection, showing the harmonious attachment between human and nature. Also, it can balance the different and harsh climates between seasons, making people living inside no longer feel like a cramped townhouse but like a resort space.

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Nunu House Thiet Ke Kien Truc Nha Nhiet Doi Hien Dai 14

mat bang kien truc Nunu House

mat cat kien truc Nunu House

NuNu House | The tropical House.

Nunu House is a combination of modern Tropical housing and local modern architectural form.
The space has its unique features and still preserves the traditional lifestyle of the local people.
The house with a tiled roof, on the steps, under the eaves… is the harmony of climate and people in the central region full of sunshine and wind.

Making the people living inside no longer feel like a cramped townhouse but like a green resort.

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  Located in a small sunny and windy central town, Nunu House is a great resort space. Thanks to this house, the owner seems to be completely isolated from the Lao wind and blends in the fresh green space. Architectural design solution to protect against the West sun and Laos wind The house is designed […]

Tags: modern architecture / tropical architecture / unique architecture design / vietnam architecture / Vietnam Architecture firm